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A.I. - I wanna know
I just watched the last episode of BLOOD+. I absolutely love the ending. It was appropriate and didn't disappoint me. A few animes I watched had endings which just leaves you dazed after watching the last episode. I really hope that there'll be a second season or an OVA! Anyway I found this series even better than Full Metal Alchemist. FMA was a good anime, but I think BLOOD+ appealed to me more.
Episode 50 - Nankurunaisa
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THE PREDATORS - Mustang Hippi
Prelims are over. Might get the results tomorrow. And I'm almost certain that I'm gonna do like shit. Oh well, I'm only concerned with my A levels. (Ladies and gentlemen, this is what we call "Self-consolation".)
Anyway since I had all the time in the world, I decided to be a good girl and clean up my room. As much as it was a pig sty last few weeks, it has now become a dust free *coughs* livable place. When I get out of school, when I have the money, when I have that wee bit of extra time, I'd make a trip down to Ikea to spruce up my lair.
I just got to watch the episode of Music Station which was on Japanese TV two days ago. Damn! The episode was extremely amusing. All those dumb things the artistes do on the show the past 20 years were shown. It was a 2 hours show but with only 6 guest artistes : Southern All Stars, AIKO, GLAY, Pornograffiti...etc. GLAY's special version of Natsuoto was pretty good, but I thought the string orchestra was too large. I couldn't really make out what the band was playing, especially Jiro, Hisashi and Toshi's lines. Oh, the stage set for the performance was pretty. All glamed out.
By the way, I think there was a corpse opposite my block. Darn, I should've went down to take a look. No thanks to my lazy ass, which insisted that it should continue to be stucked onto the chair.
New layout. A lot more toned down. I got the base script from blogger itself. Am lazy to write one myself since it's extremely time and energy consuming. I'm feeling so darn tired these days.
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Prelims are finally over GOING to be over. I'm in the holiday mood right now yeah. Can't really be bothered with the papers after chem paper 3. My morale dropped to -200 after the paper. SAD.
Anyway Natsuoto debuted at no.1 on the Oricon Chart. Not a bad single, just extremely wierd. We have Natsuoto, the ultra mature sounding GLAY, and we have hen na yume~THOUSAND DREAMS~ and Lock on You, the old school GLAY. Yeah baby. The coupling track Lock on You is written by Teru. I've never been a fan of Teru's compositions, sad to say. But it's not too bad. I like the bass (JIRO KICKS ASS PLAYING THOSE RETRO BASS LINES!!!) and drum lines. Toshi does superb drumming. The only thing I hated was the guitar lines. I thought it sucked monkey balls, partially because of the way they were distorted. Maybe I should make the song my alarm, and risk having to throw my phone against the wall every morning.
GLAY X Modern Amusement 60sec CM is out. First CM in four years, with all four members in it (I believe the last one was in 02'...that CM for JAL). I love it. I love the clothes from Modern Amusement, though the ladies wear isn't really appealing. *shrugs* Prices are kinda mid range if you're classified under the category [rich]. I like the pants Hisashi was wearing in the CM, though they looked a little too *coughs* tight *coughs*. Leather pants ALWAYS work. =D
Enough of rambling. I just got this classic PS game Valkyrie Profile. I love emulators. <3
*flies off to spend her night gaming*
::: Now Playing :::
FM Osaka 85.1 [Afternoon Navigator]
Jiro and Sashi are on the programme now. I'm waiting for them to play hen na yume or lock on you. Heard that lock on you is a naughty song. >=D
HSSS update :
Re-birth~ROCK’N’ ROLL SWINDLE at NIPPONBUDOUKAN~2006.10.4.Release
TOBF-5498 2枚組 4,800yen(tax in) 本編:約150分 (2006年2月9日のLIVEを中心に収録)
○メイキング映像 2/2・3に行われたZepp TokyoでのLIVEの模様4曲収録を含む未公開映像30分を含む約90分
○Re-birth 短編映画120秒TVSPOT
○Re-birth 短編映画告知ティーザー15秒SPOT
Omg. Live footage from 2/2 live is really on the DVD. @_______@
::: Now Playing :::
Moi Dix Mois - Dialogue Symphonie
GAH. Yet another uneventful day. Darn, I'm getting damn bored. Everyday cooped up at home facing nothing but books. How I wish I had a PS2 with me...NOOOOWWWW. The extremely PS2 deprived Huisi is feeling daaaaaamn down right now. I will seriously go to some game console shop straight after the last A level paper AND BUY A PS2! Well, actually it'll have to depend on when PS3 releases, and whether I have the money to buy one. =/ But seriously I don't really have the urge to buy a PS3, because apparently there aren't many PS3 games out there yet. Oooooo...my hands are itching so much right now!!!
Yesterday GLAY's Natsuoto PV was on Japanese TV for the first time. And I got to watch it this morning!!! AHHHH~~~Shiawase neeee~~~~It's sooo pretttyyyyy!! Although GLAY members were completely absent throughout the whole PV, I liked it a lot! It's so fairytale-ish! I love the textures of the flora and the bluish purple background. But the mythical creatures in it caught my attention most! Natsuoto's like a piece of abstract art. Yup. I love it.
I just checked CDJapan this morning and realised Dir en Grey's releasing yet another single...
Agitated Screams of Maggots Catalog No.: SFCD-46 Release Date: 2006/11/15
I must say Diru's getting too uncreative with their song titles. The title sounds so...unappetizing. I don't like the direction in which the band's heading now. Ohhh...gone are the days when Kaoru wields his purple ESP GANESA. GOOOOONNNEEEE are the days when Kaoru had ultraly long hair. OHHHHHH THE AGITATION! *spazzes* Oh but I do like his goatee anyways. No Jrocker will ever look as suave with facial hair. Or so says me. =D Talking about maggots, it reminds me of the stuff Kyo was puking during the Blitz 5 Days concert. That gooey stuff looked like maggots marinated in coagulated blood. o___o"
Recommended Artistes:
UVERworld -This one needs no intro. I believe they're quite big in Japan right now.
The PINK☆PANDA - Not really popular, but I have the thing for an all girls band (Not just a BAND. It's a PUNK band =O No girly whirly stuff yo! It's yelling and not squealing like most female vocalist do in bands.). The drummer and bassist are ooooooh soooo coooooool. Don't expect wonderful, fantastic, fanciful guitar playing and those perfect hit-all-the-right-notes vocals though.