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webmistress : h.s.
D.O.B.: 9th feb

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お誕生日: 2007.5.14(月)

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ah-man-da I
ah-man-da II


Friday, December 29, 2006

Now Playing : Miss Murder - Kyosuke Himuro

Three days before the new year. ...Don't worry I'm not here to post my new year resolutions. I don't have any.

*SIGH* I'm down with sinus AGAIN. Poor me. The next few days are gonna be quite hectic. My house's gonna be paaaaainntteedddd. wheeee. Hopefully I can help a little. I'm looking forward to making newspaper hats. LOOOL. Just kidding.

Anyway I've finally got around to finish off Xenosaga III. I was getting a little bored with it given that the game was way too easy to beat. The final boss was a total pushover. The only boss which I found moderately tough was Erde Kaiser Sigma. Other than that, XS3 is those games where you just breeze through it without even having to train up a little before facing bosses. I think the developers were too generous with those outrageous abilities given to characters.

And so after completing XS3, I moved on to FF12. It's the most demanding FF game EVER. It's so damn freakin' difficult to play. With the irritating liscence board and stuff alike, you'd find yourself spend a huge assed amount of time trying to stategise. Apparently bosses are no pushovers. Not that it isn't a fun game, just that I'm not used to the new system. No more turn based system, which means that laggers (like me *coughs*) will fumble throughout the game. No less. I'm currently trying to get rid of this five tiny but super irritating creatures which keeps casting status illnesses on my characters while running around literally evading 70% of my attacks. And the thing's that I've clocked in around 30 hours of play time and my characters are still around lvl 36? Shuuuuucks. Maybe I AM noob.

Here's a podcast review of FF12 on youtube

FF12 official site (Japanese only)

FF12 Revenant Wings official site - Nintendo DS (Japanese only)

OH! I forgot to say that I'm very disappointed with the ingame music. =( Graphics and all are fabulous, but not the music.

I was just wondering if any of my friends have ever played Metal Gear Solid series before. I don't know why but I can't seem to even get past the first few parts of it. Other games which I had difficulty with was Devil May Cry 3...and probably all of those soccer games. I laughed my ass off when I played with the Brazil team against China. the score was 0-10. ...Respectively. =X

...hmmm....enough of rambling...

*flies off to watch nana ep31~~~*


h.s. でした!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Now Playing : One Winged Angel (AC) - Uematsu Nobuo

I'm down with sinus again. For 2 days straight. Make that 3 if it rains again tomorrow.

Twinkle MTV

Saw this on tv before the news yesterday. Whatever was Koda Kumi thinking!? Plus the video looked real cheap.

Nakashima Mika's THE END album was a let down. Besides the listenable songs which are already released in singles, the rest didn't appeal to me. Sadly. Her cover of Sex Pistols' MY WAY wasn't good at all. I'm kind of sick of the whole NANA starring Nakashima Mika thing actually. I wouldn't consider getting the album. The singles were great, but not the album.

Ahhh...I wanna go sleep my sinus away now...

hs でした.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Now Playing : Kettobase! - Utada Hikaru

I'm still JOBLESS. But I guess it's okay. At least I can sleep more. I've been sleeping more than I should be.

Anyway, there'll be a shitload of albums and singles releasing in Jan next year. 楽しな~~~~ I'm looking forward to Shiina Ringo's release. heheh. Namie Amuro's releasing a single toooo.

Oh...a kind soul scanned a magazine page of an advert promoting GLAY's 07' calender. It's like one whole page...and I won't be putting it up here because it ain't my scan anyway. I fink te-chan looks damn hawt with black hair. Hisashi kawaii as usual.

Watching BLEACH now. I think Kon is super duper uberly cuuuuuuute!!! Teh stuffed toy issshhhh sooooo ccuuuuuuuteeeeeee! I love it when Kon says "MY ARM'S FLUFFY!" howiwishsashicouldmiraculouslyturnintoastuffedtoy.omfg.lol.

By the way if you're bored and love reading books, check these authors out.

Michael Crichton Official site rocks.
Anne Rice Official site Lestat = <3

Did I mention that Crichton's latest book NEXT is on my christmas wish list? LOOOOOL. <---shameless. Daaaaamnnn...his thrillers can make me lose sleep for a night just so that I can finish up the book. @_____@

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Now Playing : Uso mitai I Love You - Utada Hikaru

I still can't find a job. Feckin Kelly Services kept pushing crappy jobs to me. The other 2 job agencies? Haven't heard from them. Looks like it'll be relief teaching for me. Not that I would mind, considering that there's a school just across the street from my home.

I don't update often these days, though exams are long over. My ass is stuck on the chair in front of the TV. I'm busy gaming you see. Speaking of which, I just downloaded a FF XII walkthrough which kinda confused me a wee bit. Apparently the author got East and West mixed up. -___- I'm currently chionging...FFXII, KH2 and Xenosaga Episode III. Fatal Frame 3 and Dirge of Cerberus can wait. =X

HSSS update : 5 covers of 100 man kai no kiss

The regular version cover reminds me of BELOVED. All photos taken at Hokkaido. Actually I'm looking forward to the B-side song only. /)_____(\

Oh yeah, anyone who intends to buy Utada United 2006 dvd...PLEASE LEEEENDDDD MEEEEE!!! PLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSSSSSSS!